
Gure lagunak Cogan Nursery School-ekoak jaso dute gure kutxa!!

Kaixo! Oraintxe bertan jaso dut Gogan-eko e-maila, gure kutxa jaso dutela eta asko gustatu zaiela, batez ere "Arditxo" ardia eta panpinak . Hauxe haiek idatzitakoa, ea zerbait ulertzen baduzue:

Arditxo has arrived safely in Wales. Thank you so much for the gifts from your country, it was very exciting to recieve the parcel and it took us a long time to calm the children down after seeing what was inside the box!I have attached a couple of photos of some children with our display of your region and the comments they made:

"My name is Megan and I would like to say Thank You, I love Arditxo the sheep, I gave him cuddles, I didn't know that you had special costumes like we have but I do now because of the beautiful dolls you sent to our school."

"My name is Isabelle and I really like the girl doll she looks like a Welsh lady but different."

"My name is Mikey and I love the racing car and when I am bigger i am going to drive in a racing car!" (Isabelle eta Mickiy bertako ume bi direla uste dut eta Megan irakaslea )

The activity has been really exciting and we will now look more closely at the items you have sent over the coming weeks to learn more about Spain and the Basque region.Of course we would like to continue our relationship and have created a plan for our international activities for this year which I will forward to you later.

Thank You once again
Cogan Nursery School

Laburbilduz, oso pozik jarri zirela kutxa heldu zenean, gugandik hurbilago sentitzen direla , euskaldunok eta galestarrak antzeko gauzak ditugula eta jarraitu nahi dutela gurekin proiektu honetan

Guk ere pozik gabilz haiekaz ezta???

1 comentario:

  1. Gu ere oso pozik gaude, eta gainera lan gehiago egiteko prest eta Coganeko lagunak gehiago ezagutzeko prest...
